ISM Manufacturing PMI vs. ISM New Orders – Inventories

ISM Manufacturing PMI vs. ISM New Orders – Inventories The U.S. ISM New Orders less Inventories spread continues to suggest a higher ISM Manufacturing PMI. This correlation points towards a positive outlook for the manufacturing sector. Image: The Daily Shot

S&P 500 Index vs. 200 and 40-Week Moving Averages

S&P 500 Index vs. 200 and 40-Week Moving Averages When the S&P 500 index is trading above the rising 40-week moving average, this may indicate a bullish outlook for the market. Image: Real Investment Advice

Brent Crude Oil

Brent Crude Oil Will oil prices continue to fall on weaker economic outlook? Image: The Daily Shot

Oil Prices in Yen and Euros

Oil Prices in Yen and Euros The near-term economic outlook for the Eurozone is bleak, while oil prices in euros are rising. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Copper and Gold – Rolling 6-Month Performance

Copper and Gold – Rolling 6-Month Performance Copper prices are rising on a strong demand outlook and gold’s underperformance is a rotation into risky assets. Image: MarketDesk Research

Global GDP – OECD Forecasts

Global GDP – OECD Forecasts OECD forecasts 4.2% global growth in 2021, as global economic outlook remains uncertain. Image: Financial Times