U.S. Dollar and Global Liquidity

U.S. Dollar and Global Liquidity In 2018, global liquidity fell at the fastest rate since the global financial crisis. This chart suggests that a reversal in global liquidity lies ahead. Image: Swedbank Research

Sentiment on Durable Goods Purchases Lead the Unemployment Rate

Sentiment on Durable Goods Purchases Lead the Unemployment Rate This chart suggests that sentiment on durable goods purchases lead the unemployment rate by 12 months, and that the U.S. economy seems to be moving into the late phase of its business cycle. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

Total Global Debt to GDP

Total Global Debt to GDP The global debt-to-GDP ratio is hovering near a record at $244 trillion. That’s now more than three times the size of the world economy. Image: Deutsche Bank Global Research

China – Required Reserve Ratio vs. M1 Money Supply Growth

China – Required Reserve Ratio vs. M1 Money Supply Growth The People’s Bank of China slashed the reserve requirement ratio for most financial institutions, but M1 money supply growth is currently near the lowest. This is not good news for GDP growth. Image: Jeroen Blokland

Global Real Yields Since 1805

Global Real Yields Since 1805 Negative real yields are an “opportunity” for any government to refinance their debt. Image: Deutsche Bank

Median Developed Market Debt to GDP

Median Developed Market Debt to GDP The total debt to gross domestic product is going back to 1865 for 12 developed countries. Image: Deutsche Bank