Tech Valuations

Tech Valuations Should investors be worried about tech valuations? Image: Financial Times

Tech Stocks – FAAMG vs. S&P 500

Tech Stocks – FAAMG vs. S&P 500 Are investors too complacent about antitrust risks? China’s anti-monopoly actions erased China Tech stock outperformance in just two months. Image: Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research

% Share of Rolling Three-Month ETF Inflows

% Share of Rolling Three-Month ETF Inflows Investors favored risky assets over government bonds to end 2020. Image: Arbor Research & Trading LLC Click the Image to Enlarge  

U.S. Real GDP and Fiscal Support

U.S. Real GDP and Fiscal Support Should investors favor risk assets in 2021, as additional fiscal support should provide a boost to growth? Image: J.P. Morgan Asset Management