Bond Yields and Rotation Trade

Bond Yields and Rotation Trade Higher yields are good news for investors. According to BofA, the bull story next year is a reopening rotation story. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Money Markets and Risk Assets

Money Markets and Risk Assets Should investors expect more upside for stocks, as a wall of money supports risk assets? Image: BofA Global Research

Emerging Market Stocks

Emerging Market Stocks Are emerging markets the new haven for investors? Image: Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

Global Aggregate Negative Yielding Debt

Global Aggregate Negative Yielding Debt The amount of global debt with negative yields jumps to $17.05 trillion, an all-time high, as investors rush to safety in government bonds. Image: Bloomberg

Treasury Bond Future – 10Y and 30Y Futures Positions

Treasury Bond Future – 10Y and 30Y Futures Positions Short positioning in 30-year futures has reached extreme levels, as many investors expect a Democratic sweep and a steeper curve. Image: Deutsche Bank Asset Allocation