VIX Curve and U.S. Election

VIX Curve and U.S. Election Investors expect more volatility ahead of the U.S. presidential election. Image: Financial Times

Gold Inflows Since 2018

Gold Inflows Since 2018 More retail investors are turning to gold investment. Image: BofA Global Research

Periods of S&P 500 and U.S. Dollar Weakness

Periods of S&P 500 and U.S. Dollar Weakness A period of weakness in the U.S. dollar is not necessarily good news for investors. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Tech Inflows

Tech Inflows Investors continue to rush into tech, despite the growing concerns of a potential bubble forming in the tech sector. Image: BofA Global Investment Strategy

Importance of the Biggest Stocks by Region

Importance of the Biggest Stocks by Region With rising stock market concentration, investors are taking more risk. Image: Societe Generale Cross Asset Research

Valuation – Banks vs. Tech

Valuation – Banks vs. Tech FMS investors say banks are undervalued vs. tech. Image: BofA Global Fund Manager Survey